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Adopted Pets and How an Animal Communicator Can Help

About four million animals are adopted each year and this is only accounting for dogs and cats. Of those four million adopted, eight hundred thousand animals are returned. These situations can occur because the animals do not feel comfortable in their new homes, so owners perceive them as misbehaving. 

Adopted pets really benefit from an animal communicator who helps share their thoughts and feelings to their new people. The decision to adopt is a big one. By taking the proper care in welcoming your new pet into your home, the relationship can be can be happy and loving.

Keep reading for more insight on adopting pets and how an animal communicator  can help you. 

Creating Your Routine

When you first take your new pet home, you want to establish a new routine right away. Keep in mind that your pet probably feels confused, overwhelmed and anxious.  Staying calm, being patient and understanding, talking to them, and knowing what they are thinking and feeling goes a long way in maintaining a comfortable environment for this huge life change. 

Creating a new routine looks different depending on what type of pet you’re bringing into your home. If it’s a dog, letting it exercise before bringing it home can help it release some pent-up energy. If you have other dogs at your house, let them take a walk together. 

Seeing how your current dog responds to your new dog is important in creating a new family structure. When you walk into your house together, you enter first, then your current dog, and then the new dog. 

No matter what type of pets you have, it’s important they all have their own separate areas. Something as simple as having separate pet beds and eating corners gives them both space and autonomy outside of having to be together all of the time. This is also beneficial so that when your new pet is coming home, your old pet can hang out in its own space while the new pet explores freely without intimidation. 

The energy is best remaining calm, no matter what. You set the tone by remaining tranquil as your adopted pet gets to know their new home.

What Does an Animal Communicator Do?

An animal communicator has the ability to pick connect with the animals’ thoughts, emotions, and feelings. While some animal communicators have had this ability all of their lives, they train themselves to be more in tune with the subtleties to access pets’ feelings. 

Animal communicators work in different ways. Some may only require a picture of your pets with their names. Others might like to meet with your pets. It’s best for a pet owner to give general information as to not influence the animal communicator prior to the session. Some people can communicate with animals. The longer you have a pet, the easier it is to recognize their needs and wants.

 An animal communicator can help figure out how you and your pet can more easily reach an understanding of each other. 

Sometimes all it takes is some time and effort invested toward taking into consideration what your pet is going through. An animal communicator naturally has this ability, making it easier for them to connect with your pets’ true thoughts and feelings.

How an Animal Communicator Can Help With Their Adjustment

An animal communicator can be very helpful when welcoming a newly adopted pet into your home. They specialize in handling traumatized pets. Sharing they’re traumatized past with you as to why they are acting the way that they’re acting. Angelic Soul Retrieval really helps the pet to let go of their traumas and become whole again.

Animal communicators can help you set up a new routine after pet adoption. If your animal is timid or shy, they help get to the bottom of why they feel that way. It could be due to underlying trauma, being a more reserved pet in nature, or because they do not feel completely at home yet. 

They can also help you in the process of choosing an animal to adopt. By showing an animal communicator pictures of the possible pets you are interested in adopting. An animal Communicator is able to sense which one will fit best in your family.

To avoid becoming a number in the statistics of people who give up or re-home adopted pets, do your research as to how much attention, care, and exercise your pet will need. If you do not have the time and means to care for a highly energetic dog, this can lead to an unhappy relationship between the both of you.  An animal communicator can help you choose the right breed and species for your Home and circumstances.

The process of choosing an animal to bring into your family can be natural with the right help of an animal communicator. By having a session prior an animal Communicator is able to look at the photos of your perspective adoptees and help choose the right one for you and your family.

Seek an Animal Communicator Professional

Finding the right animal communicator is a valuable resource for you and your animals in many circumstances. The professionals in this field have you and your pets’ best interests in mind. Connecting with your pet more deeply improves both of the qualities of your lifes. 

If you’re thinking about pet adoption or have adopted a pet and need help with their adjustment period, book a session with an animal communicator. Visit Ani Animal Intuitive’s site here to book a session and deepen the intimate connection between you and your pet today.