What to Expect When an Animal Communicator Speaks to Your Animal Companion​

What to Expect When an Animal Communicator Speaks to Your Animal Companion

First, it is important to know that Animal Communication works using an energetic transference of information known as telepathy. Telepathy is when an individual can sense someone’s feelings, can see what is in another’s thoughts or communicate with another mentally. The word telepathy literally means “distance feeling”. Everyone does this everyday even though you may not be aware that you are.

Many individuals call it sixth sense. It is the same as walking by someone and knowing that they are sad, or up to no good. Or when your animal is sick or anxious, you can feel it. Animal communicators are in tune with your animal companion’s energy and can share messages from what they are thinking and feeling. Even if your animal has crossed over the rainbow bridge or you have an animal with behavioral challenges, they are able to connect to their energy to translate their messages to you. You can also read our blog post that talks about signs that you need an animal communicator.

They are able to do this by using a photo or physical description of your animal. An Animal Psychic can connect to your animal telepathically so they can hear or see their thoughts and feelings. They can then communicate with them by asking them questions and sharing concerns you may have. A few common questions that may be asked of your animal friend are:

  • What would you like to share with me? Everyday our animal companions try to communicate with us and try to tell us how they feel. They know and understand things that we do not.
  • Do you have any pain? If so, where? An animal psychic can sense whether your animal is experiencing pain or if there are any health issues.
  • Are you happy at home? If you are facing behavior issues with your animal, this may be a great question to begin with. Your animal may be able to share something that has been bothering them and causing them to act out.
  • What is your life’s purpose? Animals are truly clear on their purpose and what they are here to do. Being aware of your animal’s life’s purpose helps you to know why your animal friend is in your life and what their role is.

If you have any concern or your animal has a simple message for you, speaking with an Animal Communicator can take away the guessing and worry. It can also help you better understand your animal’s behavior and how to support them in fulfilling their purpose. Just like invisible radio waves, animal psychics become receivers of information.

ferret waiting for an animal communicator