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Animal Karma

Do you know that 68% of U.S. households own a pet?

Here it is, your dog, cat, or a bunny welcoming you home after a long day at work. There isn’t anything more fulfilling in life than unconditional love from your best companion.

Pets are often treated as part of the family. You provide food, shelter, clothing, or even get insurance for your animal friend.

But have you ever wondered if your beloved pet lived before? You may or may not believe in karma, but how about animal karma?

Interested? Then read this animal karma guide to learn what animal karma is and how an animal communicator can help you and your pet to communicate better.

What Is Karma?

Karma is described as energy, a force, or the universal law of cause and effect. The word comes from Sanscrit and it means ‘action’.

Eastern religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, believe that your actions on this Earth define your state of existence in your next life. Good actions contribute to good karma and higher rebirths, while bad deeds contribute to bad karma and less promising rebirths.

It is generally believed that the concept of karma applies to humans. Because to be able to decide what actions to take, one needs to have free will and consciousness.

Some spiritual teachings suggest that only human beings possess a soul and can evolve spiritually. Therefore, only human beings can experience rebirth.

Spiritually human beings pass through many forms until the free will is fully manifested and karma is accrued. However, if your actions come from a place of greed, violence, or aggression, you may lose your free will. As a consequence, you may return to this Earth in a lower species, such as an animal.

What is Animal Karma?

Many religions teach that animals don’t have souls. They mostly live mechanically, are driven by survival instincts, and are governed by the law of nature. You most certainly love your happy Labrador, but most of your dog’s actions may seem unconscious.

Animals behave the way they do because they simply take desire-ridden actions. Animals also follow the law of natural selection and cannot escape the cycle of births and deaths.

Understanding animal karma may seem a little bit challenging if the belief is that animals cannot evolve into higher beings.

Both Hinduism and Buddhism do believe that animals poses souls.  Furthermore, those religions suggest that animals can evolve spiritually and can procure human birth.

And how many times have you felt like your pet knows how you feel, or what you need? Animals have high intuition and are very sensitive to your emotions. You may say that this happens because animals have consciousness.

Animal karma is described as a karmic reaction to the way humans act.

Animals help humans to act with more compassion and understanding. They can also teach unconditional love and gratitude.

Your good actions help not only with your karma but also with the karma of your pet. And the more selfless actions you take, the more you help with the spiritual evolution of all living creatures.

How Animal Karma Works

Because animals don’t have free will, they are subjected to karma passively. However, according to Buddhism, all life forms are part of the cycle of birth and death, including animals.

When you do good deeds, you help your furry friends to progress to the next life and be reborn in a higher species of life. Ancient texts suggest that this is how animals can cleanse their own karma.

Why Do You Need an Animal Communicator?

So, what can you do to improve animal karma? In addition to treating other living forms with kindness, compassion, and understanding, you can engage an animal communicator.

An animal communicator is also called an animal psychic medium. An animal communicator helps your pet not only to communicate with humans but also to heal from any past traumas.

If you notice that your pet misbehaves, or you see signs of depression or aggression towards others, an animal communicator may be needed. There may be signs when your furry friend is trying to tell you about discomfort or an illness they feel.

But an animal communicator can also help you to overcome grief after your beloved pet dies. An animal psychic medium can connect with your late pet, seek closure and ease the sadness you feel.

You may also wonder about animal karma and how your dog, cat, or bunny is doing now. Animal communicators can pass on any memories your pet had. And when the time is right to adopt a new pet, an animal communicator can help you to make the right decision.

Animal communicators can connect with a pet you wish to adopt and ensure that you two are a good match. In addition, if your new pet has experienced any trauma, you will have someone who can help.

How to Communicate With Your Animal Friend

Your pet is truly a part of your family. Animals can teach you unconditional love, kindness, and gratitude. They are simply happy because they see you.

Some Eastern religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, believe that there is animal karma. And by doing good deeds you can help to cleanse their karma.

If you are ready to receive further animal karma tips and communicate better with your beloved pet book a session with an animal communicator today!

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    1. aniv18

      Thank you

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