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What is Animal Chakra Balancing? Everything You Need to Know

The average pet visits its veterinarian about 2.5 times each year. Some go more often when they suffer from a chronic mental condition.

Fur friends often experience exacerbated stress and anxiety over this visit. While vets do serve an important purpose, your animal friend may not always benefit from their care, especially when nothing seems to work for their behavioral health.

Sometimes, they need something deeper than medication to heal them. If the vet cannot seem to help your friend and they keep misbehaving, an animal communicator can help.

Read on to learn what an animal medium does and everything you need to know about animal chakra balancing.

What Is An Animal Communicator?

Also known as an animal medium, an animal communicator, as the name suggests, communicates with animals. It does not work like Doctor Dolittle where the creatures magically speak like humans. 

Rather, the medium taps into energy to communicate on a psychic level. Some prefer to explain it as simply tapping into intuitive abilities that many humans forget we possess.

They typically communicate through two modes. Telepathy means that they connect to the animal’s thoughts, so they may speak without speaking in a sense. Empathy refers to communication that works through energetic feeling the emotions of another.

Essentially, animal mediums use the brain and the heart, both powerful electrical centers in the body. This helps them effectively understand and correct animal behavior through a number of methods.

Animal Chakra Balancing Overview

One of the ways animal communicators help a traumatized animal is by balancing their chakras. There are many different animal chakras, but we will focus on six of the major focal points. When they become unbalanced, it can wreak havoc on the body, mind, and spirit.

What Are Chakras?

Chakras refer to energy centers in the body. They sit centered where energy directs from major organs and comes together from all directions.

Many explain chakras as discs that spin. Clockwise movement allows energy to flow away from the body while counterclockwise motion draws it in from the surrounding space.

When something blocks them from spinning or the energy moves erratically, the energy can build up or drain out. This leads to a number of issues.

Signs the Chakra System Needs Balancing

Unbalanced chakras can manifest as physical, emotional, and behavioral problems. They may constantly fall ill with no other explanation. Or, they may act out of sorts.

Animals do not act ‘naughty’ for no reason. Something drives that behavior, and often it stems from the energy centers of the body.

Let’s look at each chakra and how it may specifically affect your animal friend. Each chakra has a Sanskrit name and symbol as ancient Indians discovered the system between 1500 and 500 BC. 

Root (Muladhara)

At the base of the spine, near the tail, sits your furry friend’s root chakra. This energy center roots beings into their sense of self, providing a sense of grounding.

If your fur family acts restless, anxious, and/or fearful, they could suffer from an unbalanced root chakra. They may quickly change from calm or friendly to agitated or mean as their sympathetic nervous system triggers a fight or flight response.

Frequent pet adoption or changing families after a long time often leads to this balance. The animal feels uprooted and suddenly wonders, “who am I?” This feels especially frightening since they do not know how to ask you that question.

Sacral (Swadhisthana)

Between your animal friend’s abdomen and lower back, and medial to their hind leg insertion spins their sacral chakra. Swadhisthana controls their emotions and sexuality.

An imbalance leads to frequent whimpering/whining/yapping, moping, and/or snapping at people. It also causes excessive humping and even escaping to find a mate.

Young animals may experience an unbalanced sacral chakra as their hormones rapidly fluctuate. Abuse and neglect block or over-activate this chakra.

Solar Plexus (Manipura)

Manipura moves energy at an animal’s stomach. This chakra promotes balance both physically and mentally.

When out of whack, the animal may act dizzy or run all over the place. Physical manifestations may include overeating, loss of appetite, and vomiting.

Moving or other big changes may affect this chakra. Abused animals who suffered starvation also tend to suffer here.

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Your animal’s chest houses its heart chakra. Anahata governs love and contentment.

When Anahata falls off balance, your animal friend may whimper, hide, eat less, and sleep often. On the flip side, they may experience manic episodes and self-mutilate.

The loss of a loved one commonly causes a heart chakra imbalance. Somebody acting means towards the animal can lead to it as well.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddah)

In their throat, animals hold an energy center that governs communication. Animals communicate with one another and humans, even when we do not recognize it.

Blocked or funky energy hear may lead to excessive barking, meowing, or other noise-making. It also translates as the animal simply not listening and misbehaving.

Getting yelled at often throws off Vishuddah. So can anything physical involve the throat, like illness or injury?

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Sitting atop the head, animals wear a crown chakra. Sahasrara governs thought and sense of spirit.

This chakra in animals can lead an animal to act confused when unbalanced. They may chase their tail or constantly run from place to place. It may also lead to physical headaches that can make your your animal friend crabby and/or sleepy. When overactive, the crown chakra can cause the animal to act neurotic, biting off patches of fur.

Abuse breaks an animal’s spirit and therefore can block its crown chakra. If the dog experiences a lot of confusion, like moving from place to place, or living in a loud and crazy space, it can also unbalance Sahasrara.

Can an Animal Medium Help Your Animal Friend?

Do any of the behaviors or symptoms sound familiar? Or maybe your little love struggles with another ongoing issue that you can’t seem to solve.

If so, an animal medium can communicate with them and balance the different animal chakras. Don’t let your fur family go on suffering without understanding what they are going through or why.

If your fuzzy friend could talk, what would they say? Let me help you figure that out. Contact me to get started!